Idris and Sabrina Elba, a power couple, recently launched their new skincare venture called S’ABLE Labs at Ruya Dubai. The brand focuses on producing skincare products that are ethically sourced, consciously made, and sustainably packaged for maximum effect. To celebrate the launch, the couple hosted a private dinner at The St. Regis Dubai, The Palm, with an intimate guest list of celebrated personalities including Chanel Ayan, Salama Mohamed, Khalid Al Ameri, Passant Shams Ell Dean, Mayssa Karaa, Alizey Mirza, and others. The guests were treated to an evening of modern interiors, reimagined authentic Anatolian cuisine, scenic views, and S’ABLE Labs skincare.
The menu was specially curated by Ruya Dubai’s Head Chef, Gokhan Çokelez, to symbolize the earthy nature of the S’ABLE Labs brand. The menu featured dishes such as levrek, midye dolma, Australian black onyx rib-eye, and mantarli keskek that were infused with specially selected ingredients such as rice, citrus, liquorice, and turmeric.
Ruya Dubai has become one of Dubai’s hotspots for its incredible array of dishes and panoramic Palm Jumeirah views. The restaurant serves business lunch from 12 pm to 3:30 pm, Monday to Friday, and dinner daily from 6 pm to 12 am. The Mekan Bar Lounge is open from 6 pm to 2 am. Children below 12 are only allowed for early seating, and guests below 21 years old are welcome until 10:30 PM only. For bookings and more information, please call +971 (0) 4 218 0065 or email